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About Fantastic Health

Fantastic Health is managed by personnel in 3 countries and a team of researchers and writers finding relevant information and products on key health topics. Where possible products are tested by our own staff before inclusion, and articles are reviewed and scrutinized before being posted to the website.

If you encounter a product which you feel we should review, or an article or book that you have found useful, please let us know about them through our contact page.

At the same time, if you find on this website an article that promotes a non-natural solution or is in any other way offensive, or you find a product that is ineffective or has unpleasant side-effects, please also inform us through our contact page.

At Fantastic Health, we strongly encourage that you do your own research into the problem you are trying to resolve, which is why we have attempted to provide as many health related articles and books on as many different subjects as possible.

The information and products on this site also have a definite slant in the direction of natural remedies and solutions, and where possible we have attempted to provide information on how you can provide these remedies inexpensively for yourself.

This is not a medical site, nor do we claim to cure any disease or illness. But we do publish articles by a large variety of qualified authors who will hopefully provide you with sufficient information to make your own, well informed choices.

Our genuine wish and desire is that you are able to easily find the information and products you need to improve your existing level of health to the point you want.

If you have any questions or comments, or would like assistance on a particular matter, please send your request through the contact page of this website. We would be more than happy to hear from you.